The #Struggle is Real

Girlfriend. “Dad’s girlfriend.” Stepmom, except not. Abi*.

What’s a 30-something admitted control freak to do when her role is not only unknown, but also in limbo at any given moment, depending on consequences produced by actions that are under absolutely no control of hers?


Of late, I’ve been obsessed with making sure our back patio is outfitted for spring/summer/fall fun once this demonic winter has passed. It’s quite therapeutic to imagine a warm & shady oasis in the midst of winter weather warnings and freezing rain alerts. I know Amanda* and Summer* would love to have a successful garden this growing season (I tried last year, but it was a disaster). We’re looking into a raised bed in an area of the yard that receives a lot more sun than the rest of the property, which should help. Last year’s attempt at watermelon seeds would have been great if watermelon was known to thrive in damp, shady areas…

This divorce cannot be finalized soon enough. I would love to be engaged to Hugh, but it’s not necessary for our happiness. The divorce, however, is definitely necessary for my budget.