Two Jobs, One Me

In the previous post, I admitted to my control freak tendencies. I like to know who is doing what, when, where, and if possible, WHY IN GOD’S NAME WOULD YOU DO THAT?


Anyway, I also like to be able to trust that when I’m not around to control freak the world, someone else will do it in my place. Single-dad Hugh is not always the best at making that happen. In fact, a lot of the time, he can be pretty bad at it. Boyfriend Hugh, though, knows and fears the wrath of Abi, thus things get done.

I worked my second job today and wasn’t home in the evening. Naturally, I came home to a complete disaster at almost 10 p.m. Regardless of it being spring break, the adult humans need to be in bed at a reasonable hour, and so the child humans should be at least READY for bed by that time. Nothing had been done to start that process… Single-dad Hugh was absorbed in work and the child humans were running amok. Boyfriend Hugh knew right away that I was less than thrilled!

I think we are still working on the way to straddle the two worlds of dad/boyfriend. It’s a weird balance… and perhaps it will be found some day. Just not today!
